I'll try not to do a lot of chatting,
but will share photos.
This one was just on display as
it was not finished.
Jes Berry made this beautiful applique.
He was last year's featured quilter.
This was just so striking.
Danielle made this one.
She does our machine quilting.
She is so very talented.
Virginia's Baltimore. She likes purple:)
My mom mad this one &
I think she is going to sell it.
(She has made 17 quilts since January~
she couldn't go outside due to some skin issues.)
When we were helping 'tear-down,'
I saw the gal that made this one.
I said, "Oh, you made the quilt with the
embroidery and little circles right?"
She got a panicked look on her face
and said, "Yes, what happened to it?"
I told her nothing; I was going to compliment her
but didn't mean to give a compliment
in the form of a heart attack.
We both had a little laugh.
The silver was the challenge fabric this year. 
I just love those puffy skirts.
I took this one just for Mr. LB.
I might have to make this one.
This was one of two judges choice quilts.
The other is just to the left (didn't get a pix.)
Just some of the guild's block of the months.
Talk about a group of talented women!
This was just too sweet not to photograph.
I know it's not a new pattern,
but I just love this one.
There were a lot of king and California king sized quilts this year.
This was just for display.
They had a game this year for their 25th anniversary.
There were 15 silver stars
pinned on quilts throughout the show.
We were to write the 15 quilt numbers
on a piece of paper with our name and ph. #
and they drew a name from those who
had all 15 properly identified.
It was harder than you would think
when you are looking at the quilts.
(See the lavender girl)
My mom made this one too.
Just cute.
There were so many beautiful quilts.
The quality this year was even better than last year.
These gals always do a fabulous job.
There were 171 quilts &
several of those were great big.
Hope you enjoyed the mini version of the show.
Until next time,
Nimble Fingers and Even Stitches